What’s Your Porn Name?

What's Your Porn Name?

You’ve probably seen this joke make the rounds on Facebook a few times now. Take something like your mom’s maiden name, the street you grew up on, maybe the name of your first pet—put them together and what do you get? Your porn name! Hilarious, right? Wrong. Those same questions are the same ones many websites use for security to verify who you are. Oops?

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97% Of Data Breaches Are Avoidable

Another day, another data breach—at least it seems that way. With 70,000 new malware threats popping up each day, it makes sense. Threats must be getting sneakier, more complex and harder to stop, right? Wrong.

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Beware Facebook IPO Scams

In one of the biggest news stories in recent years, Facebook announced its initial public offering last week. While the news has everyone buzzing about how much profit they can make buying Facebook stock, there’s one group who will cash in without even buying any—scammers.

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