Your Content: Ain’t Nobody Got Time For That!

Your content sucks

I’m sorry, it’s over. It’s not me, it’s you—rather your content. It’s boring, unimaginative, long-winded, and makes no sense. What are you even trying to say? I have “the talk” with websites every day. I get wooed by a catchy title, but it’s a complete let down once I start reading. Sound familiar?

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Blog Much? You Should.


Got a question? Got a problem? What do you do? Google it (sorry Bing). If your company has the answers people need, you have to rank first—or at least on the first page. Page 2 won’t cut it—out of sight, out of mind. Money can buy you happiness (if ranking at the top of a search makes you happy), but there is something you can do that won’t cost an arm and a leg It’ll give you an advantage when it comes to search rankings. Blog. Do it now, and do it often.

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