
The words “Google” and “change” have been pretty interchangeable these days. You think the change is over? It’s not. We haven’t seen anything yet. So much has changed that employees are even jumping ship—and not quietly. Is Google collapsing on itself and taking us down with it?

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Google Chrome Got Pwned

Google has always cared about the security of your web browsing in Chrome. They’ve even dared the public to try and crack their browser in a contest. After years of unsuccessful attempts hackers got in. Chrome got pwned* — for the first time! Twice.

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Is It A Scam? Or Is It A Cause?

If you’ve logged into Facebook over the last couple of days, you’ve seen at least one share about Kony 2012. It’s so popular that my gut says scam, but I haven’t been able to prove it. It’s so confusing these days!

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Delete Now, Or Forever Hold Your Peace

On March 1, 2012 Google’s new and improved privacy policy comes into effect. All of your browsing habits and info will get dumped into a file labelled “all about you”. You can’t stop it, but you can impale it. Delete your browsing history. Now.

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The Desktop Is Not Going Anywhere

There’s been a lot of talk lately about mobile computing. Yes, it’s a trend, it’s real and it’s taking the world by storm. Reports make it sound like once you go mobile, you never go back. Not true. Some of us can’t just unplug—and some of us won’t.

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“Dude, Where’s My App?”

We’ve all pocket-dialed someone at least once in our lives. Maybe been guilty of pocket-deleting an app or two. It’s no big deal, you just reinstall it. But what if it wasn’t you who deleted it? What if it was Google, Apple or Microsoft—using the “kill switch”?

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3%…2%…1%…Powering Down. Uh, Now What?

You know that feeling when you’ve left home only to realize you don’t have your cell phone with you? Or when you’re out doing errands, watching your battery life slowly drain away down to zero percent. Ya that one. You aren’t crazy. It’s Nomophobia (no-mobile-phobia) and you’re not alone.

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Service Vs. Privacy: Where Do We Draw The Line?

When is a breach of privacy not a bad thing? When it’s to serve you better of course—and when Google is the one doing it! No, that’s not a good enough reason? Well Google seems to think so. Where does the line get drawn between offering better services and invading your privacy?

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Apple Doesn’t Want You To Test An iPhone 5

It was only a matter of time before cell phones entered the list of places scammers could hit you. That day is here! What better way to ring in the cell phone scam era than a scam about a cell phone—an iPhone 5 of all things. Is nothing sacred anymore?

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Valentine’s Day Scams Flourish

Today couples celebrate their undying love and single folk pretend it’s just another day. Remember “love is blind.” Don’t let love—or the chance of it—cloud your judgment and fall for a scam. You’ll end up with more than a broken heart.

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