How To Be An Edmontonian


After all the success the viral video on “how to be a Vancouverite” has had, I think it’s time time to expand the series with other major Canadian cities. After being born and raised in Edmonton, I vote the next in line should be “How to be an Edmontonian”.

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Justice Is Served…By The Media?

Today we learned the fate of Timothy Lau, a 21 year old who was part of the Stanley Cup riot in 2011. He faced four charges, more than anyone else who took part that day. You do the crime, you face the time, right? Well, not unless the media made your crime too public, then you’re off the hook. Lau got a 4 month sentence. Since when does the media exact justice?

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No Power? No Smartphone. Now what?!

It looks like Mother nature chose to trick instead of treat this Halloween. Hurricane Sandy’s wrath saw New York, surrounding areas, and as far north as Canada become an apocalyptic disaster zone. It’s a good thing many people have the internet, social media and smartphones to come to the rescue, right? Wrong. When power went out, cell service down and battery life draining, many people were left with one question. Now what?

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