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Binge Watching Is The New TV

Netflix Binge Watching

TV as we know it, is over. The formula that worked for years, works no more. The same way MP3s “killed” the music industry, modern technology, high speed internet, and companies like Netflix have “killed” TV. Now we binge!

No Power? No Smartphone. Now what?!

It looks like Mother nature chose to trick instead of treat this Halloween. Hurricane Sandy’s wrath saw New York, surrounding areas, and as far north as Canada become an apocalyptic disaster zone. It’s a good thing many people have the internet, social media and smartphones to come to the rescue, right? Wrong. When power went out, cell service down and battery life draining, many people were left with one question. Now what?

I’m Not Ignoring You—iMessage Is!

iMessage Alert

When a new OS rolls out, there’s bound to be some bugs. Battery life seems to drain faster, iDevices randomly reboot on their own, status bars disappear. Since the launch of iOS7 last month, it looks like iMessage is the first app to fall victim to the new OS curse.

Say Goodbye To (Canadian) Spam

Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation

Come July 1, while Canadians celebrate our country’s birthday, it’s us that get a present! Canada’s new anti-spam legislation (CASL) rolls out in full force. It’s good news for consumers, bad news for small businesses.

Creative Cloud Gets Hacked

Adobe Creative Cloud Hacked

That didn’t take long. It was great to wake up to an email this morning from Adobe Customer Care, the subject line “Important Customer Security Alert.” Looks like Adobe got hacked, and I’m not alone—there are 2.9 million others in the same boat.

Breaking News: Is Broken

Breaking News: Is Broken

When tragedy strikes, the news is where people used to turn for the latest and greatest—until the Internet. Then along came social media. This is the new News. Isn’t being hyper-connected great? What’s better than reality television than actual real television? Sadly, both can be equally as fake.