Don’t Shoot The Facebook Messenger, Just Yet

Facebook Messenger

The one thing social media is good for is spreading info like wildfire—whether it’s true or not. The latest scare to hit the web is over Facebook Messenger. From now on if you want to get Facebook messages on your phone, you need a separate app. That’s not the bad news. It’s the Terms and Service that are freaking people out. Is Facebook Messenger really as bad as everyone thinks?

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Canada’s Watching (You)

Canada is watching you

I’m used to hearing news about the U.S. government spying on its country, but here in Canada? No, that would never happen… Guess I was wrong. Canada’s privacy watchdog is pointing a finger at Ottawa, claiming government officials are using social media to spy on all of us—for no reason at all.

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Facebook Just Got A Whole Lot Creepier—Again

Facebook Nearby Friends Screen

While many of you were busy counting down the minutes to a four-day weekend, Facebook gave us an Easter gift that’s better than chocolate—a new feature, called Nearby Friends! You’ll never guess what it does. That’s right, Facebook is making it easy for you to know how close your friends are, at all times!

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Social Media = Spoilers

Social Media = Spoilers

Remember when you had to be home at a certain time to watch your favourite TV show? Not anymore! The freedom is great, right? Well, not always. Thanks to social media, your friends can wreck everything—but it’s not just them. Now the shows themselves can do much worse.

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Blog Much? You Should.


Got a question? Got a problem? What do you do? Google it (sorry Bing). If your company has the answers people need, you have to rank first—or at least on the first page. Page 2 won’t cut it—out of sight, out of mind. Money can buy you happiness (if ranking at the top of a search makes you happy), but there is something you can do that won’t cost an arm and a leg It’ll give you an advantage when it comes to search rankings. Blog. Do it now, and do it often.

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What’s Your Porn Name?

What's Your Porn Name?

You’ve probably seen this joke make the rounds on Facebook a few times now. Take something like your mom’s maiden name, the street you grew up on, maybe the name of your first pet—put them together and what do you get? Your porn name! Hilarious, right? Wrong. Those same questions are the same ones many websites use for security to verify who you are. Oops?

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