Canada’s Watching (You)

Canada is watching you

I’m used to hearing news about the U.S. government spying on its country, but here in Canada? No, that would never happen… Guess I was wrong. Canada’s privacy watchdog is pointing a finger at Ottawa, claiming government officials are using social media to spy on all of us—for no reason at all.

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Look Up – Live Life The Real Way

Look Up

Unless you’ve been living under a rock the last few days, you’ve seen the latest video to go viral, Look Up. Since its debut on April 25, the film aimed at getting people to unplug from social media and actually talk to each other has created quite a buzz online, with over 18 million hits so far. Ironic, don’t you think?

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US Airways: How Not To Do Social Media

US Airways Plane

What started off as a routine customer complaint via tweet, turned into the greatest “oops” in the history of Twitter. How do you respond to a passenger angry about ignored tweets? By saying you value their feedback and tell them where to send it, linking them to a NSFW image of a woman having sex with a toy airplane, of course.

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Social Media = Spoilers

Social Media = Spoilers

Remember when you had to be home at a certain time to watch your favourite TV show? Not anymore! The freedom is great, right? Well, not always. Thanks to social media, your friends can wreck everything—but it’s not just them. Now the shows themselves can do much worse.

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Blog Much? You Should.


Got a question? Got a problem? What do you do? Google it (sorry Bing). If your company has the answers people need, you have to rank first—or at least on the first page. Page 2 won’t cut it—out of sight, out of mind. Money can buy you happiness (if ranking at the top of a search makes you happy), but there is something you can do that won’t cost an arm and a leg It’ll give you an advantage when it comes to search rankings. Blog. Do it now, and do it often.

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Breaking News: Is Broken

Breaking News: Is Broken

When tragedy strikes, the news is where people used to turn for the latest and greatest—until the Internet. Then along came social media. This is the new News. Isn’t being hyper-connected great? What’s better than reality television than actual real television? Sadly, both can be equally as fake.

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You Are What You “Like”

You Are What You Like

By now most of you are security conscious. You know what to click, what not to, and have your Facebook profiles locked down—leaving all your personal info visible to just your friends (right?). Status updates, wall posts, photos, who your friends are—all of that info is safe. But when it comes to “liking” something, that’s a whole different story. Likes are public. You’d be surprised to know there’s more info about you out there than you’d care to, well—like.

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Is Facebook Still Cool?

Is Facebook Cool or Un-Cool?

In the last few years we’ve seen many social networks appear, only to crash and burn. Think of MySpace, Ping, Friendster—even Google+ (seriously, it’s dead). The one that seems to always stick around is Facebook. With over 1 billion users, it’s definitely the social network that all the cool kids are using these days. But what do kids actually think of Facebook? Is it cool? You might think so, but you could be wrong.

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Facebook Puts Mobile First…Finally!

Facebook Clutter Free

Oops, Facebook did it again. Only this time it’s not really an oops, it’s a well thought out facelift that’s sure to make some noise. That’s right, your news feed is changing again! Don’t groan. This isn’t another Timeline scandal. Facebook finally gets it—mobile comes first! Say goodbye to clutter and hello to bright, beautiful stories.

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